*SPOILER ALERT: The following article contains spoilers for Episodes 18, 19, & 20. Before reading, be sure to listen to Pioneer Farms - Part I, II & III. Afterward, feel free to check out this "Behind-the-Episode" blog for additional info and photos! And visit our Patreon page for more extras!
Below you'll find some select photos taken on our several follow up visits to Pioneer Farms on. Photos for this story courtesy of Thao Photography

You'll find this guidepost as you get to a split in the trail just out of Sprinkle Corner Village and as you pass the Stagecoach Stop. You can chose to take the circular trail either to the left or right. On all of our visits, we were pulled to go right each time. So we did. It's at this same spot there is the large buried city sewer line where Sara sees one large prism arc of energy end, and a second one begin and extend beyond the treeline at the banks of Walnut Creek in the far-off distance.

The entrance to Pioneer Farms. To the right of the right gate, Chuck showed us a path that was once a part of the Chisholm Trail.

Photo taken of Sara and I behind the Kruger Cabin. To our right just out of view is where Sara saw the first portal. On the back porch, obscured by this tree in the foreground, is where Sara saw the second portal.

View of the Tonkawa encampment set up during the daytime.

Alexis stands observing the 500 plus year old oak tree, aka "The Lightning Tree" at the Tonkawa encampment. You can see the lighter stripes running down the trunk is where the lighting scarred this ancient oak. It's a magnificent sight to behold if you ever make it down to Pioneer Farms.

At the Jourdan-Bachman homestead, aka Texian Farm, Rhonda drug a rocking chair from another site to this front porch to appease the persistent child spirit, Micah.

Since Rhonda was a regular on this farm, and Micah had touched her thumb the last time we were here, we wanted to see if we would pick up any activity if Rhonda sat in the rocking chair for a while. Nothing out of the ordinary came about however.

Sara observing the land outside the Scarborough Barn.

Sara takes notes on another portal she notices in the Scarborough Barn. The cowboy was out front just doing his thing. She kept hearing someone call her real name from within the portal during this visit.

The gorgeous yellow Bell House.

Alexis stands on the front porch of the Bell House on our 3rd visit.

Finally got a photograph of the realistic painting of one of the Bell children. In Mike Ward's story he tells of how many people, including himself, get a bit unnerved at how the child's eyes in this painting follow you no matter where you go in the house.

This is a painting of what the Bell House once looked like in its original location.

Shot at dusk outside the Scarborough Barn.

When night falls out here on the farm, the energy somehow seems to grow calm, but electric at the same time. I wish I could have spent more nights out here.

This is the stagecoach stop where Sara spotted the man in the little tie and hat waving to us. She got the names Joseph or Giles. This was on our first visit to the farm and no one, not even myself, knew that this name had any relevance to this property. Come to find out through my time investigating this property, I discovered the Giles name was most definitely an important one pertaining to this land. Eugene Giles was the man who inherited and ultimately donated this entire farm to the Historical Preservation Society.

This is one of the only shots we got of the Tonkawa encampment at night. This location on the property was one of the most intense, but memorable spots on the whole farm for me. I don't sense much, but I could feel something out here. I think everyone could.
I hope what we've done with this series is lend a voice to all those who in some way had a part of making this land so special. I think the message that came through for me, loud and clear, is that this property is more than just special, it's sacred. And I hope all that come through respect and honor that.
Stay restless out there,
Stephen Belyeu
P.S. To help support Pioneer Farms and keep this historic site preserved and maintained, support them by visiting the farm, taking classes, or becoming a donor. Visit https://www.pioneerfarms.org/