Stephen Belyeu is an Austin based filmmaker and storyteller. He grew up in a small South Texas town surrounded by tales of the paranormal and local folklore. Since having his very own life-changing paranormal experience as a child, he’s been on a quest for answers. Through writing, filmmaking, and other endeavors like this podcast, Stephen has come closer to the answers he’s been seeking all these years.

Alexis A. Arredondo is a graduate of Texas A&M University Corpus Christi where he double majored in Theatre and Communications-Media. He grew up in a small South Texas town near the Mexican border where he was enamored with local legends, folklore and spirituality. Alexis is a spiritual student and practitioner of Curanderismo, Santisima Muerte and Mexica spiritual traditions. He co-owns and operates City Alchemist, a local Austin shop that provides an array of occult books, candles and esoteric products for the curious or advanced practitioner. They offer readings, cleansings and apothecary goods for all of your spiritual needs.

Sara R. Reeves is practicing medium residing the in Austin area. She discovered her unique ability later in life and now uses it to communicate with what most cannot see or sense in the natural world. Stephen and Alexis crossed paths with Sara many years ago on an old case and the team had a hand in helping her discover and understand her gift. Now, with a better grip on her ability, Sara assists The Night Owl team on every case she can.
Sara now wants to share the knowledge she has gained not only to provide a safe platform for others to learn, but to also help those who do not have the ability but seek the comfort and advice from the spiritual beings that help us along the way. To contact Sara and learn more about her offerings and teachings visit Metaphysicalu.
Mikey Garza
Nicholas Fair is the multi-disciplined musician and artist behind Gnosis Antiquarius, an online archive of his visual arts, written work and audio recordings. Based out of Corpus Christi, Texas where he was born and currently resides, Nicholas began composing music in 1999, inspired by the medium that best provided him the ability to better understand himself and the human condition. Since that time he has gone on to create a prolific and varied body of work which brings together emotive vocals and swelling musical arrangements, as showcased in his most recent release “Percuss at Sunrise,” which imbibes a dreamlike mood and fashions a sense of melancholic nostalgia for the listener. Creation for Nicholas is a process which he likens to a meditative slumber, an exorcism of ethical afflictions; A confrontation of sadness, the release of dreaming, and dark, ethereal qualities that emanate through his world. With more projects underway, a selection of his past releases can be heard here: Gnosis Antiquarius

Sam Belyeu is the team's lead historical researcher and assists on every case he can. Sam is also host Stephen Belyeu's father and as the picture to the left clearly depicts, has supported him pursuing the arts from day one!

Franklyn Gould is an Austin native who grew up with a natural curiosity for all things science, mythos and the paranormal. Growing up, Franklyn would often study divination tools (Ouija boards, tarot cards, runes), esoteric mysticism, various occult studies, as well as the potential correlation to the sciences. During college, he returned back to studying paranormal phenomenon more in-depth and their effects on the psyche. In turn, Franklyn has become more of a skeptic, favoring more scientific outcomes and repeatable results. Presently, Franklyn is an Art Director in Marketing, with various hobbies including the paranormal, furniture making and collecting whiskies as well as writing about them at whiskeycurator.com.

Sandra Eagles Garza
David Dalton of Driftwork Sound
P. D. Wilder, ex-Hotel Hotel, continues in the age-old tradition of hillbilly beardos playing ambient drone music solo armed with a guitar & a dozen pedals. Now a father, Wilder recorded much of “remember to remind me” during the nine months before his son’s birth. A reflection & meditation on life with change during the anticipation of change. Birth, life, death, birth, always changing always moving forward, always the same – yet always building & changing, drone is forever.